College of Economics and Management

Humanitarian Supply Chains:On the formation and strengthening of organizational collaborations

讲座标题: Humanitarian Supply Chains:On the formation and strengthening of organizational collaborations
主讲人: Arash Azadegan
讲座语言 英文
讲座时间: 2016-05-16 13:20
讲座地点: 浦东北校区崇德楼214报告厅
主办单位: 永利yl23411集团官网


What draws organizations to collaborate during response to humanitarian disasters? Humanitarian supply chains include eclectic groups such as non-governmental organizations, faith based organizations, philanthropic corporations, government agencies, and utility companies. These diverse organizations carry different objectives and operating structures. While they are there to work together, their differences may hamper their collaborative efforts. This study offers theoretical explanations and empirical evidence on how organizational relationships are formed and modified before and during humanitarian disruptions. It uses two contrasting explanations provided by communal�exchange theory of relationships from social psychology as to how organizational collaborations in humanitarian supply chains can be differentiated. It tests the effectiveness of these contrasting explanations on inter-organizational relationships involved in responding to Superstorm Sandy in 2011. Findings suggest that patterns of interaction before the disaster are indicative of the objectives, capabilities and reliability of those that would get involved during disaster relief efforts. More importantly, strong and established relationships can be based on exchangebased on communal protocols of relationships.

Key words : Humanitarian supply chains, NGOs, disaster relief, communal relationships, exchange relationships

Arash Azadegan博士,亚利桑那州立大学企业管理博士,现罗格斯大学终身制副教授。曾任新墨西哥州立大学Tenure Track副教授、亚利桑那州立大学研究助理。主要研究领域:供应链管理、运营管理。在Decision Sciences Journal, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Operations Management 等期刊发表论文40余篇。获罗格斯商学院Dean’s Meritorious Award for Research研究奖。任Journal of Operations Management,Decision Sciences Journal等期刊审稿人,并获得优秀审稿人、优秀教学案例奖评审等称号。任Masterbrand Cabinets Inc.技术服务经理、CH2M Hill Food Group咨询工程师等。