College of Economics and Management

The 7th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2013)

The 7th International Conference on 
Management and Service Science (MASS 2013)
www.massconf.org/2013Sep. 24-26, 2013Beijing, ChinaSubmission Due: Jun. 14, 2013
MASS will be held on Sep. 24-26, 2013, in Beijing, China. The Conference is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Management and Service Science. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.
Call For Papers
All the accepted papers written in English will be published by Scientific Research Publishing on Journal of iBusiness (ISSN:2150-4075), a peer-reviewed open access journal that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work. 
All the accepted papers written in Chinese will be published by Hans Publishers on Journal ofService Science and Management (ISSN:2324-7908), a peer-reviewed open access journal that can ensure the widest dissemination of your published work. 
Call For Abstracts
To be considered for an oral presentation without publishing a full paper, submit your abstract by Jun. 14, 2013 . Abstracts will be selected for presentation based on the quality of their submissions and space availability.
Registration Fee
♦ RMB2200(350$) for Regular Registration, $80 for attendance fee 
♦ RMB1800(300$) for Student Registration, $80 for attendance fee
♦ RMB1200(200$) for Non-paper Attendee
Organizing Committee
 Prof. Mingyan Jiang , Shandong University, China 
 Prof. Joseph J. Salvo , General Electric Global Research Center, USA 
 Prof. Nadim Obeid , The University of Jordan Amman, Jordan 
 Dr. Qingyu Zhang , Arkansas State University, USA 
 Prof. Wai Keung Wong , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (China) 
For more information, you can refer to : www.massconf.org/2013/OrganizingCommittee
Call for Speakers
If you wish to serve the conference as an invited speaker , please send email to us with your CV and photo.
Benefits of Invited Speakers
♦ Your latest research results will be shared and acknowledged by scholars around the world.
♦ The title and abstract of your speech will be posted on the conference website and program booklets. 
♦ The title and abstract of your speech will be published in the journal. 
♦ You can enjoy a free registration. 
♦ You can enjoy a free one-day tour in Beijing after the conference. 
We look forward to your constant support and initiative in improving the quality of the conference.
Call for Co-Organizers
If you’re interested to be our Co-Organizer, you can contact via mass@scirp.org
Benefits of Co-Organizers
♦ The logo of your organization will be posted on the conference website as well as in all the conference materials.
♦ The members of your organization can enjoy a discount (10% off) on the regular registration.
E-mail: mass@scirp.org | Tel: +86-155 2742 6990