College of Economics and Management

第二届商务计算和全球信息化国际会议(BCGIn 2012)(The 2nd International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization(BCGIn 2012)


本次会议将邀请海内外知名专家担任技术委员会成员并作相关主题报告,欢迎专家,学者及研究生踊跃投稿并参加会议。论文排版格式以及投稿方式详见网站说明。所有录用的论文将由IEEE CPS出版为会议论文集并被EI和ISTP检索。会后将在收录论文中推荐优秀论文转发相关学术期刊。会议将组织“学生论文奖委员会”对主要作者为研究生的优秀论文进行评审,并选取前五篇最优学生论文,授予“BCBIn学生论文奖”,每个与会者都将得到论文集的光盘。

第一届商务计算和全球信息化国际会议(BCGIN2011)于2011年7月29~31日于上海成功举办,所有录用论文在2011年10月7日前均被EI Compendex和ISTP检索

Email: bcgin.org@gmail.com
TEL:+86 021-67703503,13817355421


The 2nd International Conference on Business Intelligence and Global Informatization (BCGIn 2012) will be held in Shanghai in October 12-14, 2012. It will bring together researchers, educators, and business practitioners in the areas of business computing and global informatization to exchange ideas and explore innovations. Following the success of BCGIn 2011 in Shanghai, BCGIn 2012 will introduce new ideas in business computing and information science. The goal of the conference is to advance and promote business computing in the age of global informatization.

BCGIn 2012 will have invited keynote lectures and contributed presentations to report on the latest developments in business computing and global informatization. Prospective authors are welcome to submit their novel work in related areas. All papers submitted to BCGIn2012 should be written in English. Papers should have not been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please refer to the conference site for details of topics, typesetting and submission.

All accepted papers are expected to be published by IEEE CPS in the IEEE conference proceedings. All the accepted papers will be published by IEEE, and then can be indexed by EI and ISTP Compendex. The proceedings in CD will be available to the attendees during the conference. Excellent papers whose main authors are graduate students will be judged and selected by the Student Paper Award Subcommittee of the Scientific Committee for their scientific merits. Up to five (5) best student papers may be selected for the BCGIn Student Paper Awards.

The first International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization (BCGIn 2011) was held in Shanghai from July 29-31, 2011. All accepted papers were indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP before October 7, 2011.

Home Page:http://www.bcgin.org
Email: bcgin.org@gmail.com
TEL:+86-021-67703503, 13817355421

Co-organized by Shanghai University, China, and University of Kentucky, USA

Please do not reply this email directly, if you have questions please send emails to bcgin.org@gmail.com