College of Economics and Management


Dear Colleagues,    Due to numerous requests, the organizing committee has decided to extend 15 days for submission and the submission deadline of BIFE 2012 is extended to March 31, 2012. Some high-quality papers will be selected as the special issue papers for the SCI journals, such as Advanced Science Letters and Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.    More details about BIFE 2012, please visit the website:  http://www.gip.hk/bife2012/ ; The submission details can see the conference website:  http://www.gip.hk/cso2012/submission.htm    Best Regards,    Organizing Committee of BIFE 2012[Chinese Version]各位作者:    大家好!由于部分作者的请求,组委会决定将论文截稿日期推迟15天,到3月31日截止。请各位作者抓紧时间投稿,今年我们将有2个SCI期刊:Advanced Science Letters (2010年SCI影响因子: 1.253)和Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (2010年SCI影响因子: 0.642)为本次会议出版Special Issues,请各位作者抓住机会在截稿日期之前投稿!    关于BIFE2012会议,请访问会议网站: http://www.gip.hk/bife2012/ ;关于论文投稿,请访问: http://www.gip.hk/cso2012/submission.htm    BIFE2012组委会