| Submit your research paper to the iBusiness
| About the Journal |
| The iBusiness (IB), is an international open access journal dedicated to reporting on the latest advances in Internet and Business, and the intersection of Economics with business applications. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians worldwide to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and perspectives in diverse areas of Internet and Business, and the intersection of Economics with business applications.
| Benefits of Publishing in this Journal |
| Scientific Research Publishing is an academic publisher of open access journals. Publish with Scientific Research Publishing , you will benefit from: - Guaranteed targeted, multidisciplinary audience
- High visibility for maximum global exposure with open access publish mode
- Rigorous peer review of your research
- Prompt publishing
| You are invited to submit papers in these areas: |
| - Computer Information Management System
- Computer Network
- Data Mining
- Decision Making Process
- E-commerce
- E-government
- Employability and Labor Market
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial Analysis
- Geographic Information System
- Industrial Economics
- Information Economics
- Information Management
- Information Security
| - Investment Analysis
- Knowledge Management
- Management Information System
- Political Economy
- Process Improvement
- Project Management
- Regional Economics
- Regulation
- Requirement Analysis
- Risk Management
- Supply Chain Management
- System Analysis
- Technology Innovation
| |
Editor in Chief: Prof. Jac C. Heckelman Wake Forest University, USA
