College of Economics and Management

The 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent detection and Power System

Call For Papers - CFP
The 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent detection and Power System
In order to share the best practices and innovative ideas among the fields of intelligent
detection and power system technology, ISDEA2011 will organize the international
symposium on Intelligent detection and power system technology, It is also expected that
a synergy can be established between the academia and the industry which will pave the
way for further collaboration, the 1st ISIDPS has been index by Ei .
Track1:Intelligent Detection Technology
1.Smart Sensor;
2.Measurement Errors and Data Processing;
3.Multi-sensor information fusion and intelligent detection system;
4.Anti-jamming technology and weak signal detection;
5.Advanced Instrumentation and Data Acquisition Systems;
6. Intelligent Distributed Systems and Remote Control
7. Intelligent Information and Retrieval Systems and Data Mining;
8. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks for Advanced Data Acquisition and
Computing Systems;
9.The Applications of Intelligent Detection Technology;
10. Virtual Instrumentation Systems;
Track2: Electric Power System Technologies
1.Electric Power Equipment Insulation Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis;
2.Electric power systems modeling,simulation ,control and optimization;
3.Power quality and energy efficiency;
4.HVDC and flexible AC and DC transmission technologies
5.Relay Protection of Power Systems ;
6.Lightning Protection and Grounding Technology of Power Systems;
7.Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power System;
8.Smart Grid;
9.Digital Signal Processing Applications in Electric Power Systems;
10. Electric Machinery and Electric Drives, Power Electronics;
11. Power Generation Technology and New Energy;
12.Other related technology;
The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society. All papers
accepted will be indexed by both EI Compendex and ISTP. The paper submission and
format of ISIDPS2011 are the same as that of ISDEA2011. All accepted paper of
ISIDPS2011 will included in proceeding of ISDEA2011 as a special session.(所有接受
论文将做为智能系统设计与工程应用国际会议的一个专区出版,并同样被EI 核心和ISTP 收录)。
Important Dates (Deadline):
August.30 2011 Submission of full papers(提交全文截止日期)
September.14 Notification of papers acceptance( 录用通知发出日
September.14-September.20 Author registration( 作者注册)
September 20, 2011 Submission of final papers(提交论文最终稿)
Contact us:
Tel:+86 15386421568 +86 0731 82618984