College of Economics and Management

The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA2011)

The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and
Engineering Applications (ISDEA2011)
29-30 December, 2011 Sanya, China
The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications (ISDEA 2011) was
organized by Hunan University of Technology, Co-sponsored by Department of Electronics Science
and Technology ,National University of Defense Technology 、Intelligent Computation Technology and
Automation Society, and technical supported by Central South University and other non-profit organizations, it
will be held in Sanya city ,Hainan ,China. ISDEA2011 will bring experts from several continents to give
presentations, exchange information and learn about the latest developments in the field of Intelligent System and
their Applications. Proceedings ISDEA 2011 will be published by IEEE-CPS ,All papers accepted will be
indexed by EI Compendex. About 30% papers will be selected for publications in some International Journals,
which are indexed by SCI or EI. (The ISDEA2010 has been indexed by EI compendex)
Important Time (Deadline)
August.10 2011 Submission of full papers
September.8 Notification of papers acceptance
September.8-September.20 Author registration
September 20, 2011 Submission of final papers
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate recent advances the following
areas of interest, but are not limited to:
Topics 1 Intelligent computation Theory and Application/智能计算理论及应用
 Neural Networks ,Evolutionary Computing, Genetic Algorithms 神经网络,进化算法
 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
 Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing 模糊系统和软计算
 Ant Colony Optimization Particle Swarm Optimization 蚁群算法和粒子群优化算法
 Artificial Fish School Algorithm Artificial Life 人工鱼群算法
 Human-Computer Interaction 人机交互
 Artificial Immune Systems Systems人工免疫算法
 Biology and Neurobiology Support Vector Machine 生物和神经系统及支持向量机
 Gray system 灰色系统
 Rough and fuzzy rough se,t data mining 粗糙集及数据挖掘
 Kernel Methods Supervised & Semi-supervised Learning 核方法及监督和半自动监
 Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering 知识管理和知识工程
Topics 2 Cloud Computing and its Applications 云计算及其应用
 Cloud management and monitoring 云管理与云监控
 Storage in the cloud 云存储
 Data security in the cloud 云数据安全
 Cloud computing pricing and economics 云计算定价与经济学
 Agent-based Cloud computing 基于代理的云计算
 Others related technology 其他相关技术
Topics 3 Intelligent Robot Technology 智能机器人技术
 Architecture of intelligent robots 智能机器人体系
 Perception, navigation and control of intelligent robots 认知、导航与控制
 Intelligent teleportation 智能隐形
 Image processing and robot vision 图像处理与机器视觉
 Simultaneous localization of mobile robots 移动机器人的同步定位
 Uncertain environment modeling 非确定环境建模
 Novel interfaces and interaction modalities 新型接口与交互模式
 Motion planning and navigation 运动规划与导航
 Haptic interaction 触觉交互
 Robot software architecture and development tools 机器软件体系与发展工具
 Context awareness 情景感知
 Social robots 社会机器人
Topic4 Advanced Management and intelligent decision 先进管理系统与智能决策
 Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering 知识管理与知识工程
 Management Information Systems 管理信息系统
 E-service Intelligence 智能电子服务
 Management of Supply Chain and Logistics 物流和供应链管理
 Financial Data Mining Customer 金融数据挖掘
 Relationship Management 客户关系管理
 Web Data Mining 数据挖掘
 Games Theory 博弈论
 CAD& CAM&PDM&CIMS 计算机辅助设计、制造与产品管理系统,集成制造系统
Topics 5 Advanced Control and Detection Technology 先进控制与检测技术
 Autonomous Control and Fuzzy Logic 自治控制与模糊逻辑
 Distributed control system and its application 分布式控制及其应用
 Complex System modeling and intelligent controller design 复杂系统和智能控制器设计
 Machine learning / adaptive systems, expert systems 机器学习、自适应控制与专家系统
 Intelligent control application 智能控制应用
 Intelligent Automation 智能自动化
 Failure detection and identification 故障检测与模式识别
 Advanced sensor technology and its application 先进传感器与其应用
 Intelligent Sensor, Wireless Sensors and Wireless Sensor Networks, Multisensor
fusion / integration 智能传感、无线传感以及传感器网络及多传感器数据融合
 Data Acquisition and Measurement Engineering 数据采集与测量工程
 Advanced signal processing technology 先进信号处理技术
 others 其他相关技术
Topics 6 Embedded Technology and its Applications 嵌入式技术及其应用
 Embedded Systems, Software, Hardware and Applications 嵌入式系统硬件和软件及
 Cyber-Physical Systems 信息-物理融合系统
 Real-time systems 实时系统
 Circuit,System, integrated circuit design, integrated system 电路,系统,集成电路设
 Advanced Circuit Design and Manufacturing Technology 先进电路设计与制造技术
 High-speed Data Collection System and Its Applications 高速数据采集系统及其应用
 Solid State Storage Technology and Its Applications 固态存储技术及其应用
 Nanometer Integrated Circuit Technology 纳米集成电路技术
 Application Specific Integrated Circuits 专用集成电路
Contact us:
Telephone: +86 15386421568(Prof.liu)
+86 073182618984