College of Economics and Management

BCGIn 2011

由于很多投稿者强烈要求延长投稿期限,经委员会讨论决定将投稿截止日期延长至:2011430。2011商务计算和全球信息化国际会议(2011 International Conference on Business Computing and Global Informatization,BCGIn 2011)定于2011年7月29日至31日于中国上海举行。会议将汇集商务计算和全球信息化的 专家学者、研究人员、教育人员和从业人员,提供一个交流思想和创新开拓的平台。
本次会议将邀请海内外知名专家担任技术委员会成员并作相关主题报告,欢迎专家,学者及研究生踊跃投稿并参加会议。论文排版格式以及投稿方式详见网站说明。所有录用的论文将由IEEE CPS出版为会议论文集并EIISTP检索。会议将组织“学生论文奖委员会”对主要作者为研究生的优秀论文进行评审,并选取前五篇最优学生论文,授予“BCBIn学生论文奖”,每个与会者都将得到论文集的光盘。会后将在收录论文中推荐选取部分论文转发相关学术期刊(作者需要支付期刊版面费)。
详细内容请查阅会议网站:       http://www.bcgin.org
会议将由 中国上海对外贸易学院 和
美国肯塔基大学 联合主办。
如何提交,How to submit your paper
2: Sign up (若你没有账号,在此注册一个账号,并登陆,Register and login)
3: Create a new Paper Submission (提交一新论文)
4: Input Title, Abstract, Subject Areas,(填入论文题目、摘要、领域(商务计算、全球信息化、其他))
5: File Upload,choose your paper and upload(论文上传,选择你的论文,并点击upload)
6: Submit(点击提交Submit)
7: Enter Conflicts of Interest>>(确认信息)
若要修改你的提交,If you want to modify your submit.
登陆后就能看到你上一次的提交,After login you will find the paper you submitted last time.
然后点击Edit,Then press Edit.
BCGIn 2011
The 2011 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Global Informatization (BCGIn 2011 July 29-31, 2011, Shanghai, China) will bring together researchers, educators, and business practitioners in the areas of business computing and global informatization to exchange ideas and explore innovations.
BCGIn 2011 will have invited keynote lectures and contributed presentations to report on the latest developments in business computing and global informatization.
All accepted papers will be published by IEEE CPS in the IEEE conference proceedings. All the published papers will be indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP. The proceedings in CD will be available to the attendees during the conference. Excellent papers whose main authors are graduate students will be judged and selected by the Student Paper Award Subcommittee of the Scientific Committee for their scientific merits. Up to five (5) best student papers may be selected for theBCGIn Student Paper Awards. Those papers will go through the standard rigorous refereeing procedure established by the individual journals. Additional page charges by the journals are the responsibility of the authors.
Papers Due: *** 30 April 2011 *** (extended)
Homepage:    http://www.bcgin.org
Co-organized by Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, China
                University of Kentucky, USA
If you have questions please send email to bcgin2011@163.com
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